Elite Development Academy (EDA) will operate without requiring My Vaccine Passes during the COVID-19 traffic light system, however, numerous precautions will be taken to minimize the spread of COVID-19. We are doing this to be as inclusive as possible to everyone as we believe that exercise, whether that's sports or strength and conditioning, is an essential part of living. Our traffic light system operation plan is outlined below.
Overview: Our sessions will be held entirely in an outdoor space that allows for the appropriate social distancing (1-metre apart). Wearing face coverings will be encouraged when arriving and leaving the session but will not be enforced during the session. Scanning in using the facilities QR code will also be encouraged to help with contact tracing.
Red Light: Under red light restrictions we will be limited to 25 people, including children under the age of 12, for all sessions. These clients, staff, or anyone watching can be a mix of people with and without My Vaccine Passes.
Orange Light: Under orange light restrictions we will be limited to 50 people, including children under the age of 12, for all sessions. These clients, staff, or anyone watching can be a mix of people with and without My Vaccine Passes.
Green Light: Under green light restrictions we will be limited to 100 people, including children under the age of 12, for all sessions. These clients, staff, or anyone watching can be a mix of people with and without My Vaccine Passes.
If you have any comments and or suggestions relating to improving our COVID-19 operations plan please don't hesitate to contact us at 021-079-4794 or elitedevelopmentacad@gmail.com. Your feedback will help us make improvements.